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  1. 內銀下半年息差係咪真係可以擴大返? 夠唔夠cover 貸款下降o既損失先?

  2. 我問下d 朋友, dee 方面唔係我專長

  3. 我係用TCSI盤後分析軟件同太極即時分析系統架`~~歡迎你加我的blog link`^^

  4. 唔該哂子雲~~
    d 金真係升返

  5. hsi will going to down for a long period (about 3 M), because (1)usd is change to strong( all other current break the stongest down support line at the night of 16-12 -2009.) and (2)the money is going out of hk market step by step when we have a good new.I think this will going down over 2000-3000 points of HSI(step by step).

  6. Hi, BBQ

    Your view is stay the same after Jan ?

  7. 如何計認股證價

    10073 日股今早跌2點,那由0.068升到1.00

  8. 我知道La,高盛電腦壞左,

  9. 條formula 錯咗呀~但高盛想改個上市文件!!有無搞錯!!


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